Castle wall

Part of the original territory of the city is surrounded by a wall with a thickness of 2.40 - 2.60 m. The fortress walls are partially preserved and in some places reach 5-6 m in height. The execution of the masonry is of the opus mixtum type - built with stones welded with mortar, alternating with belts of four rows of bricks. Of the discovered fortress walls, the southern one was fully explored, which was built with 4 round towers. The south gate is open in 40 meters of exedra, protected by square towers.


City dwelling

The rich dwelling is located in the southeast corner of the fortified town next to the southeast corner tower. It was built before the fortress wall was built. The living quarters are located around a courtyard with a marble colonnade (peristyle) with a covered portico. The largest room is the kitchen. According to the original plan, there was a pool (impluvium) in the center of the yard, which was later turned into a courtyard paved with cobblestones.


Late antique bathroom

The architectural plan of the bathroom defines it as a provincial public bathroom of block type with hypocaust heating. It was built around the 1920s, and its construction preceded that of the fortress wall. At the end of the 4th or the beginning of the 5th century the building was burnt down. It was probably destroyed during Gothic raids at the end of the Second Gothic War. At the end of the 5th century it was rebuilt. Evidence of this is a gold coin of Emperor Zeno discovered during excavations. It was probably in operation until the end of the third quarter of the 6th century and was finally destroyed by an earthquake.



Remains of three early Christian churches have been found in the area of ​​Nicopolis ad Nestum. The earliest of them, 3 km southwest of the city, is a three-nave basilica with a length of 40.24 meters, built in the late IV century, rebuilt in the late V - early VI century and used until the end of VI century. The second church, also three-nave, is in the center of today's village Garmen, was built in the V century and functioned until the second half of the VI century, and two tombs and remains of frescoes were found in it. The third building was discovered northeast of today's village and dates back to the 5th century.


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